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Wig Colour Selection

Wig Colour Selection

When choosing a wig, selecting the right colour is critical. Most wig styles come in such a wide variety of colours it's hard to know exactly which one to choose. The wise approach is to narrow down the styles you love first.

Once you've identified your favourite styles, it's then time to look at the colour options. It can be very challenging looking at colour swatches online. Most online companies colour swatches do not show the full effects of the colour distribution of the actual wig and you are left with only a partial sense of what a wig colour will look like. And in addition, swatches from different manufacturers are inconsistent, making it difficult to compare choices from different brands.

At Easi Wigs, we provide throughout our website only the best quality, high resolution images, which enables our clients to choose from the most accurate colour swatches available so they can get a much better sense of what their wig will look like when they take it out of the box. Easi Wigs makes shopping for the right colour online just as easy as it is in our salon. If however you are still unsure of the hair colour, you can either send us a sample of your hair or you can order one of our colour rings.

Tips on choosing a wig colour

If you are having a hard time trying to decide which colour to pick for your new wig, the following tips may be useful towards helping you make the right choice.

  • Stay close to the colour of your eyebrows - If you want to achieve a natural look, it would make sense to choose a wig that is the same or almost the same colour as your eyebrows. It would certainly look strange if your eyebrows are blond and you are wearing an ebony black wig.

  • Choose a colour that goes well with your skin tone - Although it is becoming more common these days for women to change their hair colour to something that does not ordinarily go with their skin tone, you should still realise that there are certain hair colours that are more complimentary than others based on the colour of your skin.

If you do want to choose a drastically different wig colour, it might be worth considering dyeing your eyebrows in the same shade as well. On the other hand, if all your hair has already fallen off due to chemotherapy or some other reason, you can take that as an opportunity to pick any wig colour that you want.

These are just some guidelines on choosing a wig colour. In the end, there really are no fixed rules on how to make your decision. It depends on what you think looks best on you and what makes you feel most comfortable.